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Apex Management Mobile App

4.8 ( 128 ratings )
الأعمال التجارية الشؤون المالية
المطور: Apex Management Services Ltd.

This app is Intended ONLY for Borrowers(debtors) paying their Creditor(s) through Apex Management Services Ltd and for Clients who have assigned borrower(debtor) accounts to Apex Management Services or potential clients who seek debt recovery services in The Bahamas.
[Apex App Name] is a versatile solution that provides Borrowers(Debtors) with ease, efficiency and convenience in fulfilling their debt payments. The solution is also meant for Existing and new Clients who seek to assign accounts for debt recovery and monitor said accounts after assignment.

Key Features

• Our Make A Payment feature enables you to quickly make payments in a hassle-free manner. Dont want to pay directly through Apex? No worries, you have the option of paying through one of the listed Banks we are enrolled with.
• The Setup Payment Plan is an even easier option for you to make payments. Check out this feature if youd like to make monthly payments without lifting a finger. Spend more time doing the things you love while our app takes care of the rest.
• We know time in a Enterprise environment is invaluable. The Account Assignment feature cuts down the time it takes for you to put accounts to us. Quickly assign an account and well quickly recover whats owed to you.
• Keep your finger on the pulse of your assigned accounts the Monitor Accounts feature.
• The Generate Report feature allows you to run reports on accounts within a specific date range and by type. Use this feature to get an overview of your debt recovery progress.
What are you waiting for? Get started with our app today.

Debtor Key Feature Use Case Basic Flows

Use Case Basic Flow: Make A Payment (for authenticated debtors)
• User Signs in=> User selects Make A Payment Button => Clicks Make A Payment button => View with payment options is displayed =>User selects Paying with Apex=> User fills multi-step form with transaction information => Payment is processed => User notified of payment success or failure.
Use Case Basic Flow: Setup Payment Plan (for authenticated debtors)
• User Signs in => User selects Setup Payment Plan option from app menu or footer icon => View with payment plan multi step form is displayed=> User fills multi-step form => User notified with success or failure message.

Client Key Feature Use Case Basic Flows

Assign Accounts (for authenticated Clients)
• User signs in => User selects Assign Account option from app menu or footer icon => View with Account Assignment multi-step form is displayed => User fills multi-step form and uploads requested files => User gets success or failure message of the account assignment request(awaits business admin approval)
Monitor Accounts (for authenticated Clients)
• User signs in => User selects Manage Account drop down from app menu=> User selects Monitor Accounts => View with all assigned accounts is displayed => User selects any assigned accounts from the list or searches for assigned accounts=> View with information for selected account is displayed.
Generate Report (for authenticated Clients)
• User signs in =>User selects Generate Report option from app menu or footer icon => View with reporting criteria is displayed => User fills reporting critieria and selects Generate Reports call to action => View with report preview is displayed => User chooses to save as .png, .pdf or sends a copy of the report to the email associated with the account.